In line with the 2030 energy strategy plans, Frederiksberg District Heating (DH) Company has taken a significant step toward fuel-free district heating production. Marking 120 …
Denmark | Baltic Delegation Visit | Study Tour
Denmark | Dutch Delegation Visit | Study Tour
"The DBDH webinar was a quick, easy way for several German Stadtwerke to connect with various experts in Denmark and have their needs addressed. It's a great introduction to further engagement."
Holger Krawinkel
MVV Energie AG
"As a researcher, I have very much enjoyed DBDH’s generosity in sharing knowledge and experiences for my research. DBDH have their finger on the pulse concerning heat transitions across Europe and beyond.”
Daniel Møller Sneum
Postdoctoral researcher, Technical University of Denmark
"DBDH's HOT|COOL magazine provides us with a regular stream of excellent insights into the international heat network industry, helping us to enhance our understanding of key issues and consider new ideas to accelerate the delivery of low carbon heat networks in Scotland."
Alex Chatzieleftheriou
Head of Heat Networks Development, Heat & Energy Efficiency Scotland
"Working with DBDH is very valuable as they share all their knowledge and experience without hesitation!"
Daniela Fischer
Climate Protection Manager, City of Günzburg
"DBDH is the main worldwide gateway to the professional exchange of district energy experience."
Lars Gullev
Senior Consultant at VEKS and Vice chairman of IEA-DHC
"DBDH is a valuable partner for our Dutch municipality, providing us with ongoing expert guidance and connecting us with key partners in the field of Danish district heating. The dedication and support have taken our projects and research into a Public Heat Company many steps further and improved it significantly."
Michiel de Wit
Process Manager Municipal Energy Company, Gemeente Súdwest-Fryslân
"DBDH shows outstanding dedication and commitment to the district heating agenda, supporting DH companies in development and transformation while uniting the leading Danish solution providers around the same agenda! Keep the pace!"
Alexander Gamolya
Country Director, Poland
"People at DBDH have deep experience in the sector, not only in Europe but worldwide, which is an important asset. Working with the DBDH staff is also inspiring because they bring great insight into current and future DHC trends."
Kristina Lygnerud
Professor in energy science, Lund University
"The DBDH mentor-concept ensures the exchange of experience across national district energy companies."
Lars Gullev
Senior Consultant at VEKS and Vice chairman of IEA-DHC
"I want to thank you for the amazing response we have received in the association. It's been a very positive experience all the way. The event yesterday gets 5 out of 5 stars, with super coordination, exciting features, and, for us, a very educational and contact-creating innovation event, where we really opened some exciting doors!"
Jacob Jespersen
Head Of Business Development, Aquatherm
"Your platform gave us a good opportunity to reengage with some companies so we can show our latest technology and solutions regarding the digitalization of heat networking!"
Stephen Hart
Global Sales Director, District Energy, FRESE