District heating development is a key focus of DBDH, and we collaborate closely with others to help develop and share new knowledge to accelerate DH development.

An increasing part of the DBDH activities is participation in projects supporting planning, establishing, modernising, and sustainably transitioning district heating. As a project partner we bring experience about DH, communication channels, and a large international network – and we are always open to discuss new project opportunities. Either as a sparring partner during project development or as a potential project partner.

DBDH has been involved in a number of projects, and topics range from best practice summaries, over municipal heat planning and mentoring, to sector integration and large-scale heat pumps. Some of our projects are presented in more detail below, and the current list of active projects is found at the buttom of this page.

  • Europe | Period: 2023-2026 | Sponsor: EU LIFE |

    SET-HEAT aims to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonization of district heating
    (DH) in four targeted Eastern European countries through the integration of low-grade heat
    sources in high-temperature DH networks.

  • North Sea Region w. Dutch lead | Period: 2023-2026 | Sponsor: Interreg NS |

    WaterWarmth is about accelerating the transition towards sustainable heating and cooling based on collective surface water heat pump systems. Public and private partners from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands, and Sweden.

  • Canada (Vancouver) | Period: 2023-2025 | Sponsor: IEA-DHC |

    ”Can a sustainable DH business model be decisive for future competitiveness?” builds on a previous IEA-DHC project about Business models in 2050 and the work DBDH has been doing in North America. The principal objective of the project is to understand if the social dimension of sustainability can change the business models of DH companies and increase their competitiveness.

  • Ukraine | Periode: 2024-2025 | Sponsor: EIFO ACCELLERATOR |

    ”Feasibility Study for the Green Transition of the DH system in a selected city in Ukraine” The aim of the project is to select the city with the biggest potential for modernization and\or rebuilding of its district heating system, to develop a feasibility study and demonstrate best available district heating technologies from Denmark. Further, the result from the work will be used as a demonstrator in Ukraine.

  • Germany | Period: 2024-2025 | Sponsor: EIFO ACCELLERATOR |

    “Best Available Technology and Project” The objective of the project is to provide the know how and knowledge about modern district heating planning and technology to a large group of the BW municipalities, to inform them about BAT&P, and thereby support export from the partners through improved heat plans and increased awareness of the partners.

  • The Netherlands | Period: 2024 – 2025 | Sponsor: Energistyrelsen (TFE) |

    ”CONFIDENCE” The project supports the organisation and financing of DH in the Netherlands. The frontrunner municipality Súdwest-Fryslân, is developing the prototype for municipally owned district heating, and Danish experts and key Dutch actors assist them with sparring, knowledge, and networking.

  • Poland | Period: 2024 – 2025 | Sponsor: Energistyrelsen (TFE) |

    ”Modernisation of district heating in Poland” Strategic Development plans are key to the modernisation of district heating in Poland. In collaboration with Lars Gullev from VEKS and Artelia, the project supports the development of the methodology behind improved developments plans based on a combination of Danish and Polish expertise.

  • Denmark and Germany | Period: 2024 – 2026 | Sponsor: EUDP |

    “RAPIDH” will develop software and methods for model-based analyses to increase energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and improve investment decisions for process industry and district heating. RAPIDH is short for “Renewable and Affordable Process-Integrated District Heating”, and the project includes Danish and German cases.

  • United Kingdom | Period: 2025 | Sponsor: DESNZ and ScotGov |

    ”UK mentoring of local authorities” We continue doing mentoring for local authorities in the UK.

  • Turkey, China, Ukraine | Period: September 2025 | Sponsor: Danida |

    DH 3-Wheel Training Course – Danida will invite approximately 25 persons for a 3-week district heating training course. We are in a consortium with Lund University and Energy Modelling Lab.

  • Germany | Period: 2025 – 2026 | Sponsor: Danish Energy Agency |

    ”Heat planning in Hessen” We work with one city in Hessen to support their journey from a municipal heat plan to a project close to ready to implement. The learnings will be shared with all German municipalities. Application under evaluation, we include if approved.

  • Germany and France | Period: 2025-2026 | Sponsor: Energistyrelsen (TFE) |

    “Decarbonising Industrial Process Heat with District Heating” will collect, develop, and disseminate knowledge to support decarbonising industrial process heat with district heating. It focusses on municipalities, and how they can act as catalysts for this new type of sector integration.

  • Netherlands, UK, Germany | Q1 2025 | Sponsor: Energistyrelsen (MUE) |

    ”Resources to kick start district heating, 1979 – 85” This project will investigate how many persons was involved in kick starting DH in Denmark. Through interviews and literature studies we map the different tasks and how many people was involved in the year 1979 – 85. The background is that some countries in Europe may both over and under estimate the resources needed both to establish the kick start and later to maintain the development.