Home MembersEquipment supplier ARO ENERGY SOLUTIONS A/S


by Linda Bertelsen
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ARO Energy Solutions A/S has more than 70 years of experience in manufacturing equipment for district heating.

Aro has a wide product range and covers all aspects of hot water tanks and tanks for other purposes, like cooling and water treatment. The range consists of standard tanks from 100 – 150.000 liters in steel and stainless steel with the option of a customized solution to suit your specific requirements.

Aro has a wide product range and covers all aspects of hot water tanks and tanks for other purposes, like cooling and water treatment. The range consists of standard tanks from 100 – 150.000 liters in steel and stainless steel with the option of a customized solution to suit your specific requirements.

Heat exchanger solutions

Furthermore, ARO is offering a wide range of cost-effective and flexible heat exchanger solutions, sold as an individual or in complete systems. The range is from a few kW to big compact stations of several MW, for different applications and industries. The plate exchanger can be supplied with an AHRI certificate.

Heat recovery products

ARO also manufactures a complete range of heat recovery products suitable for use in refrigeration systems where heat is recovered from the refrigeration circuit and returned as useful heat for heating buildings or hot water.

ARO Energy Solutions A/S emphasizes quality in both productions and through guidance. In cooperation with their customers, they find the best possible solutions.

Line of business

  • District heating
  • District cooling
  • Energy efficiency
  • Equipment Supplier
  • Turn-Key Supplier
Countries of interest: All

Contact info

ARO Energy Solutions A/S
Østerbro 30, 5000 Odense C, Denmark Telephone: +45 66 11 28 78 salg@aro-as.dk
Lars Christian Jensen
E-mail: lcj@aro-as.dk Tel: +45 6611 2878 Mobile: + 45 3046 3222