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Pernexus Systems

by Linda Bertelsen
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Pernexus Systems develops the Worksportal, a digital solution to increase efficiency in energy companies and ease collaboration in large public works involving excavation.

Our product, the Worksportal, is a cloud-based collaboration platform. It is developed for companies in the utility sector that own a network of pipes and initiate large public construction works, maintain the infrastructure, and manage the daily operational tasks in all types of excavation projects.

Much more than just a software

  • Manage tenders online with structured data
  • Optimize administrative procedures with automated processes
  • Benefit from integration to several software suites and GIS system
  • Asset management via RFID/NFC technology
  • Access to real-time updated data accessible to all parties also on your smartphone with the EPMobile app

The peo­ple behind Pernexus Sys­tems are also involved in www​.ver​iloc​.dk.

Ver­iloc is an RFID-​solutions provider to mainly enter­prise level com­pa­nies. Using Ver­iloc solu­tions makes it pos­si­ble to track com­po­nents on a global scale and avoid sup­ply errors, find the exact loca­tion of buried cables or pipes, and in many more sce­nar­ios. Bet­ter qual­ity is vir­tu­ally guar­an­teed while simul­ta­ne­ously sav­ing money on con­struc­tion work and maintenance.

Contact info

Pernexus Systems
Herlufsholmvej 37 2720 Vanløse Denmark Tel: +45 3325 1666 info@pernexus.dk
Michael Ebbe Søndergaard
Managing director