Home Members TVIS


by Linda Bertelsen
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TVIS – Trekantområdets Varmetransmissionsselskab I/S – Triangle Area Heat Transmission Company is an independent general partnership company established in 1983 and owned by four municipalities.

The utility is situated in the center of Denmark. It supplies 80,000 family homes and 180,000 citizens in 4 major cities with excess heat and heat from CHP via a regional heat transmission network.

TVIS purchases and distributes excess heat from local industries, which is used as a resource to benefit household economies and the environment. Our customers are distribution companies who supply heat consumers.

As we focus on future green conversion milestones – particularly in 2030 and 2050 – we are converting our energy systems from biomass to sustainable energy sources and increasing the use of excess heat.

TVIS is obliged to purchase and deliver sufficient heat to cover the heat demand of the region (TVIS’ owner municipalities) up to a maximum of 6.080 TJ annually. We are buying heat and coordinating heating supply, including local peak and reserve heat production, in the most appropriate economic way to benefit consumers. Our objectives are to ensure a high degree of security of supply both in the short and long term in the most economically appropriate way for the company’s benefit. We establish, own, operate, and maintain the transmission network and the associated installations.


  • District heating
  • Heat Transmission
  • Power-to-X


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Contact info

Tonne Kjærs Vej 11, 7000 Fredericia, Denmark tvis@tvis.net Tel: +45 7594 0711
Jørgen Nielsen
Managing Director