Home Projects & Studies Municipal heat planning in Germany

Municipal heat planning in Germany

by Linda Bertelsen
Municipal heat planning in Germany

A large number of municipalities in Germany are about to make their first heat plan, the “KWP.” District heating could and should play a role in all of them, but the tasks are enormous, and access to knowledge and experienced people is limited.

The project is called CoLab KWP – playing on the words collaboration and a joint laboratory for testing new approaches.
The ambitions of the project are described like this:

  • The municipalities and their heat planning re the key to the German heat transition. This project will support and empower key staff in the German municipalities in their efforts to create the best possible KWPs.
  • A good KWP is the foundation for cheap, sustainable, and resilient heat supply based on district heating. A really good KWP is the foundation for energy efficiency, job creation, and integrated solutions that will benefit the whole municipality across many sectors.
  • The project is a catalyst for transforming Danish experiences on heat planning and district heating to valuable support for KWPs – in close collaboration with selected German municipalities and organisations.

In a joint Danish-German effort, the project selects relevant knowledge and collaborate to strengthen and accelerate the municipal heat planning. Four topics has been identified so that experience and sparring from Denmark can support a stronger heat transition in Germany.

The topics are:

  1. DH is energy infrastructure and brings a wider value to the local society
  2.  How to set the scene for a successful heat plan (KWP)
  3.  How to make a KWP step-by-step
  4. Ownership and organisation of DH



Hot Cool article written by Susanne Schmelcher

“Lessons to be learned from the Danish Neighbor: The missing actor in the heat market: How to fill the gap in Germany?” was published in Hot Cool, edition no. 5/2024. You can read or download the article here:


Title: Municipal heat planning in Germany “CoLabKWP”

In collaboration with:

  • The German Energy Agency (dena)
  • The national Competence Centre for Municipal Heat Transition (KWW) in Germany
  • A group of German municipalities and Landkreise
  • A Danish expert team
  • The Danish embassy in Berlin
  • The Danish Energy Agency (EGP)
  • Albertslund Forsyning

Supported by: The Energy Export Initiatives Grants Program, the Danish Energy Agency
Funded by: The Danish Energy Agency 
Duration (status): Q1 2023 – Q3 2024 COMPLETED
Link to project page at dena (in German): 
CoLab KWP – Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena)
DBDH contacts: Hanne Kortegaard Støchkel  and Morten Jordt Duedahl


Hanne Kortegaard Støchkel
Project Development Manager, DBDH
Morten Jordt Duedahl
Business Development Manager, DBDH
Susanne Schmelcher
Head of department, German Energy Agency (dena)
Katrin Schulze
Senior Expert, German Energy Agency (dena)
E-mail: Katrin.Schulze@dena.de
Sabine Petzsch
Project manager, German Energy Agency (dena)
Paulina Mayer
Expert at KWW
Christian Bjerrum Jørgensen
Energy Attaché at the Danish Embassy in Berlin
Willy Winkler
Energy Advisor at the Danish Embassy in Berlin
Catarina Marcus-Møller
Head of Project & Plans, VEKS
Jesper Møller Larsen
Head of Division, Verdo
Patrizia Renoth
Heat Planning, Holbæk Municipality
Poul Rask Nielsen
Senior Project Manager, Hjørring Municipality
Andreas Koch
Team leader, German Energy Agency (dena)