Home Projects & Studies Clean heating transition in China

Clean heating transition in China

by Linda Bertelsen
Clean heating transition in China - Intro image

This project combined knowledge of DH systems in China with expertise in heat planning, energy efficiency, and renewable technologies in Denmark.

China plans to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and become carbon neutral in 2060, and heating is integral to energy consumption. Both China and Denmark are experienced in district heating, and the project approach was to share knowledge and develop combined solutions to support more sustainable heating in China. Dialogue with DH experts at utilities, authorities, and universities in China and Denmark, as well as Danish suppliers of DH technology, has been an essential part of this project.

Due to difficulties accessing the needed planning data, the project was adjusted from making a heat plan for a specific Chinese city to explaining and making recommendations based on the analyses of a generic Chinese city and knowledge from the project partner NXITY.



Title: Supporting the clean heating transition in China

In collaboration with:

  • Energy and Climate Academy
  • Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association
  • Danish Trade Council in Beijing
  • Chinese District Heating Association

Supported by: The Energy Export Initiatives Grants Program, the Danish Energy Agency
Duration (status): Q1-2022 to Q1-2024 COMPLETED
DBDH contacts: Hanne Kortegaard Støchkel and Lars Hummelmose


Hanne Kortegaard Støchkel
Project Development Manager, DBDH
Lars Hummelmose
Managing Director, DBDH
Torben Kirkegaard
CEO, Energy and Climate Academy
Mikael Jakobsson
Danfeng Yao
Project Director, NXITY
Liu Rong
Vice President, China District Heating Association
E-mail: sandyrong@vip.sina.com
Henrik Martens
Head of energy team in China, Danish Embassy in Beijing
Allan Bertelsen
Sector Counsellor for Energy, Danish Embassy in Beijing
Peter Lundberg
Executive Director at APUEA