Currently, there is good reason to be happy if you are a customer of Assens Fjernvarme.
The district heating company in western Fuen defies inflation and sky-high energy prices with a heating price of just around DKK 7,500 for a typical house. It is among the country’s lowest, and the explanation must be found in the district heating company’s unique production system.
Assens Fjernvarme is the only one – so far – to have combined electricity production from solar cells and wind turbines with a heat pump and a cogeneration plant. With electricity from both sun and wind, you always have the option of supplying district heating at stable and low prices by adjusting heat production based on movements in the electricity market. And precisely because it is an entirely new production system, it has taken almost four years to get the correct permits from the authorities, explains director Marc Roar Hintze.
The actual construction of the facility was completed in just one year. And the timing could hardly have been better with the energy crisis, which took off around the turn of the year. Despite the crisis, the director emphasizes that he does not expect violent price increases in the future in Assens either.
– As long as there is sun, wind, and outside air available, we are well off. This system is exceptionally robust and price stable – and it also shows that the cheapest energy you can possibly get today is green.
– You cannot do it cheaper than with solar and wind, he says.
Translated from the Danish District Heating Association