We are looking for input for a project on how to include DH solutions from Denmark and other countries in the Chinese heat planning. We already had some input at our online workshop on September 27, and we would like to expand the opportunities for more solutions.
Which types of solutions (hardware, IT, heat planning, stakeholder involvement, sector integration, etc.) do you recommend we include?
The project is preparing a publication highlighting the many different elements behind a successful green transition. The story will be told through the city of Aarhus, Denmark, providing an overall story for companies and heat planners to highlight district heating and cooling solutions that can be integrated in China. Though Aarhus will be the story’s center, solutions and experiences from other cities and DH systems can easily be included. Please share your thoughts so we can have them in the publication.
The project will demonstrate holistic heat planning adapted to a carefully selected Chinese city (Taian). The project aims to support other Chinese cities in their green transition through capacity building and strong networks in China. This will help China reach its climate goals of peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and CO2 neutrality before 2060.
To give input or ask questions, please contact
Hanne Kortegaard Støchkel, DBDH, hks@dbdh.dk
Mikael Jakobsson, NXITY, mikael.jakobsson@nxity.com or
Danfeng Yao, NXITY, yao.danfeng@nxity.com.