Heat planning experiences from Denmark have been compiled in a toolbox to inspire German municipalities. The German Energy Agency (dena) invited German municipalities to a toolbox introduction.
Municipalities across Germany seek best practices and knowledge about district heating planning. Mandatory municipal heating planning is a challenge and an opportunity for German municipalities, but support is needed. Both the German Energy Agency (dena) and the National Competence Centre (KWW) share knowledge and understanding about the requirements for municipal heat plans (KWP’s).
The CoLab KWP project extracts Danish experiences to address challenges in Germany
Many projects also support a sustainable heat transition based on district heating, and one of them is the CoLab KWP project that extracts Danish experiences to address challenges in Germany. The combination of a Danish expert team, a group of climate protection managers and others from German municipalities, German organisations at the national level, the Danish Energy Agency, dena, KWW, and DBDH has created a laboratory for investigating and addressing different challenges.
Learnings from toolbox, webinar and project webpage in German
This has generated value for the participating municipalities, and the project also shares the results with other German municipalities. This includes
- A webinar for all German municipalities about a Danish-inspired toolbox and how it can be used in German municipalities: Wärmeplanungs Toolbox – PlanEnergi
- A project webpage at the German Energy Agency in German: https://www.dena.de/projekte/projekte/colab-kwp/