Developing sustainable district heating often focuses on economic and environmental sustainability without giving much attention to social sustainability.
An IEA-DHC-funded research project is investigating social sustainability and how this can impact the value chain and business models of district heating.
Based on value chain analyses and a literature review, the project has developed an interview guide to understand stakeholders’ views on economic, environmental, and social sustainability in the City of Burnaby, Canada. The input will be used to investigate how social factors can be incorporated in DH business models to increase competitiveness.
During October 2024, the project team conducted 29 interviews with a range of internal and external stakeholders to the Burnaby DH project centred around establishing DH based on a significant Waste-to-Energy heat source in Burnaby. The stakeholders included other departments in the municipality, building developers, customers, and other DH providers in the Metro Vancouver area. Most of the interview were conducted in person during a study trip that also included a knowledge-sharing event.
The project participants conducting the interviews have shared the motivation behind the work in this short video. The interviews revealed new insights into stakeholder perspectives that will now be integrated into the further research work of the project. Meet a few interviewed people and hear their answers to two relevant questions in this short video.