Home District Energy News Record low CO2 emissions

Record low CO2 emissions

by Linda Bertelsen

This year’s environmental declaration for the metropolitan area of Copenhagen has just been published.

Miljodeklaration 2021

2021 was another record year. The average CO2 emission for a district heating consumer in the VEKS area (cogeneration company of the western suburbs of the wider capital area) has fallen to 10 kg CO2 per GJ. In 2020, the emission was 14 kg CO2 per. GJ. By switching from natural gas to district heating, a household will reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 80% – this saves the environment 3-4 tonnes of CO2.

More green district heating

The background for the continued decline in the capital area’s CO2 emissions is that the heat from cogeneration plants and waste energy plants is now 85% CO2 neutral. The remaining 15% is due to the fact that fossil fuels are still included from partly plastic waste, somewhat natural gas, and oil used on peak load boilers.

Originally by Troels Duhn, Civil Engineer, translated from VEKS’ website.