PhD. Energy Planner
After the MSc. Sustainable Cities at Aalborg University, I did my PhD in Aalborg’s Department for Planning and Sustainability.
I wrote about district heating systems and how practitioners work with both infrastructure and people to convert DH systems to more sustainable forms.
I am now occupied with what I studied during these three years: I work as an energy planner at the Municipality of Copenhagen and cooperate closely with the city’s district heating utility, HOFOR.
One of my main tasks is, for example, to assist HOFOR in finding suitable areas to establish large-scale heat pumps in the municipality with the aim of reducing the consumption of biomass.
We are also developing an energy strategy as part of the Climate Plan 2035. The aim of the energy strategy is to set a direction for the municipality for the ten years to come about how to work on climate positivity and sector coupling while preserving high security of supply at low socioeconomic costs.
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