Home District Energy News Join the Fourth International Workshop on District Heating at the Province House in Antwerp

Join the Fourth International Workshop on District Heating at the Province House in Antwerp

by Linda Bertelsen
Antwerp, Belgium

On Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 the Fourth international workshop on district heating will take place at the Province House in Antwerp.

The organizers of the event are EnergyVille, Flanders Heat Network, the Province and POM Antwerp, Interafval (VVSG), DBDH and ISVAG, with the support of the Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO), Agoria and Sirris.  

The organizers have once again managed to put together a fascinating program with top speakers from home and abroad. Together with experts from different areas – technical, legal, financial, communication… – we will draw up a state of affairs of heat networks in Flanders, study the stumbling blocks and opportunities, discuss concrete plans or ambitious dreams, and learn from best practices from our DH-neighboring countries. In between the presentations, we provide enough time to network. Numerous companies from home and abroad introduce themselves to a real district heating market, which you can visit during coffee and lunch breaks.

This free workshop is intended for anyone who is involved from far or near with DH-networks, both from the public and private sector. To demonstrate that heat networks are now much more than vague plans, we are organizing technical visits to concrete projects on 29 November. These visits are also free.

If you haven’t registered yet for the workshop on 28 November and/or for the technical visits on 29 November, then quickly go to the website and fill in the registration form.

Join the 4th International Workshop on District Heating at the Province House in Antwerp