September 15, 2022, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM UTC+2
Aalborg Forsyning, Aalborg, Denmark
Participation is possible online and on-site. Attendees may attend free of charge.
Digital technologies combined with the integration of buildings in the network operation are believed to make the whole energy system smarter, more efficient, and reliable and boost the efficiency and the share of renewables in the system. In the future, digital applications might enable district energy systems to fully optimize their plant and network operation while empowering the end consumer via demand response actions. The workshop is a joined initiative of IEA EBC Annex 84 and IEA DHC TS4 (TS4 webpage)
Aim of the Workshop:
- to discuss the role of demand response and digitalization of the demand side as key in the green transition of DHC systems
- to present activities, challenges, and solutions from the industry perspective,
- to get an impression of current commercial solutions
Read the agenda and sign up for free here.
DEADLINE: Registration is required by 30th August 2022 (end of working day)