I am delighted to announce the publication of our very first Hot Cool Special Collection – the summer edition.

Inside the magazine, you will find 14 great articles spread out on 44 pages. Experts from different countries, universities, and companies have written them. These experts generously share their knowledge and experience with you.
District Heating and Cooling in modern cities
If you are a politician and your city or country is struggling with the crazy gas prices, read Anders Dyrelund’s article about how “district heating and cooling is a natural part of the urban infrastructure in modern cities.”
IRR – Internal Rate of Return
If you are wondering how to expand the local district energy system, read Morten Jordt Duedahl’s and Lars Gullev’s article about IRR – Internal Rate of Return and how it affects the development of city-wide DH projects.
Digitalization of the demand-side
Would you have guessed that a temperature set of 55/30°C was enough to heat buildings without deep energy renovation? The editor was surprised! Do not miss the article “Digitalization of the demand-side” by Michele Tunzi and Svend Svendsen.
Podcast “We’re all in the same boat!”
Do you want to know how Danish utilities convert buildings from gas to district heating? Listen to the podcast where Jesper Møller-Larsen and Jens Andersen, two utility managing directors, share their knowledge and experience.
The authors of Hot Cool will give you the necessary insight to act in the best possible ways during the current energy crisis.
Are you a subscriber to the printed version?
Then look out for the magazine in your postbox. It will be perfect for reading during lazy summer nights. You can also download the electronic version here.
Hot Cool is probably the best district heating magazine in the world!
Happy July and happy reading!
Linda Bergholt Bertelsen
Communications & Digital Media Manager, DBDH