Home District Energy News Final results from a project about clean heating in China

Final results from a project about clean heating in China

by Linda Bertelsen

By combining Chinese and Danish expertise, the project “Supporting the clean heating transition in China” has produced four main results and strengthened the collaboration about district heating.

Final results from a project about clean heating in China - illustration

China has ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions, including integrating renewable heat sources into its extensive DH systems. The project was designed and implemented to support this transition in China and share knowledge about district heating with high energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. 

Aarhus’ district heating success story

The city of Aarhus has replaced coal-based district heating and has been carbon neutral since 2017. The first main result of the project is an overview of how they succeeded and now continue their journey toward sustainability. The publication also functions as a general introduction to district heating in Denmark. Read more here.

Insights and solutions for China’s heating transition

The comprehensive Heat Planning Guideline report offers insights and analyses that support carbon reductions, system integration, and increased energy efficiency in China. This second main result combines heat planning principles and tested technologies from Denmark with technical knowledge about district heating in China to inspire new solutions to the clean heating transition in China. Read more here.

Green Heating Forum in Shandong

The third main result was a knowledge-sharing conference in Jinan. The event was organised in close collaboration between the project partners, the Shandong Regional Energy Society, and other actors in the Shandong province, particularly from Jinan and Taian. Read more here.

Online training for capacity building

To share knowledge more widely in China, the fourth main result is an online training course with capacity-building materials to support staff members in Chinese organisations, municipalities, and district heating companies. The project includes a limited number of free licenses for online training to relevant people in China. Read more here.

Building bridges between China and Denmark in heating innovation

The project partners, the Energy and Climate Academy, NXITY, DBDH, the Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association, the Danish Trade Council in Beijing, and the Chinese District Heating Association, collaborated closely and built a foundation for further activities and knowledge sharing between China and Denmark. 

The partners would like to thank the Danish Energy Agency, Elsebeth Arendt from the Danish utility Kredsløb, the Sino-Danish expert panel, the Shandong Regional Energy Society, speakers at the conference in Jinan, and the Danish DH community.