DBDH arranges conferences, delegation visits to Denmark, workshops around the world, seminars, webinars, participation in exhibitions, and network meetings. Search the calendar for upcoming events.

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Tour de Forsyning (in Danish)

May 9, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Kære medlemmer af DBDH,

Så går tour’en til til VERDO, hvor Tour de Forsyning afholdes tirsdag den 9. maj.

Temaet er ”Fremtidens energi” . Vi skal høre mere om hvordan VERDO arbejder med at omstille fjernvarmeforsyningen, der allerede er 99% grøn til endnu mere bæredygtig energi i fremtiden. Herunder hvordan omstillingen går hånd i hånd med den grønne elproduktion og sektorkoblingen i praksis – uden at gå på kompromis med forsyningssikkerhed og konkurrencedygtige priser! Læs også mere om VERDO i vedhæftede artikel fra dagens udgave af JP.

Der er desuden plads til to leverandører som vil byde ind med en præsentation omkring ny og spændende teknologi. Meld tilbage hurtigst muligt hvis din virksomhed ønsker at bidrage til dette punkt!

Divisionsdirektør Jesper Møller Larsen er vært for dagens program, som går i gang kl. 14, og afsluttes kl. ca. 17.00:

Kl. 14.00: Velkomst v Jesper Møller Larsen

– Præsentation af VERDO v/Jesper Møller Larsen
– Fremtidens energi v/Jesper Møller Larsen
– Spørgsmål og dialog
– 2 Præsentationer af nye teknologier og løsninger /Indlæg fra DBDH medlemmer
– Eksempler på fleksible energianlæg til fjernvarmesektoren i Europa v/VERDO
– Netværk med kolde drikke og lidt til ganen

Kl. 17.00: Tak for i dag.


Praktiske informationer:

Deltagerantal: max. 30 deltagere

Mødeadresse: Agerskellet 7, 8920 Randers NV (mødelokale STORM)

Tilmelding: via mail til pz@dbdh.dk senest 30. april

Pris for hele molevitten: DKK 750,00 ex. moms.

Med venlig hilsen


May 9, 2023
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm



Do you want to stay updated on the latest industry trends and developments?

Look no further than DBDH’s conferences! Hosted throughout the year in Europe and the rest of the world, these events provide a unique opportunity to network with peers, gain valuable insights, and expand your knowledge. And with close cooperation with the host country’s ministries, you can be sure you’re getting the most relevant and timely information. Check out the list above to find upcoming conferences and register today!

Delegation visits to Denmark

Are you looking to boost your city’s energy efficiency and sustainability efforts?

DBDH offers study tours to Denmark, where delegations from cities or regions can learn firsthand about the latest district heating technology and best practices. With visits to cutting-edge facilities, workshops, and meetings with industry experts, these tours offer invaluable inspiration and guidance. Whether you’re just starting to explore district heating options or looking to transition away from gas, DBDH has the resources to help. Give us a call or check the calendar above to sign up for an upcoming tour.


Want to gain a deeper understanding of district heating and connect with leading industry experts?

DBDH offers workshops and seminars that bring together specialists from around the world to share their knowledge and experience. Whether you’re looking to improve your existing district heating system or learn about the latest advancements in the field, our workshops provide valuable insights and networking opportunities. Don’t miss out on the chance to learn from the best. Check out the calendar above to find upcoming workshops and register today!

Tour de Forsyning (meeting at a utility)

Are you looking to expand your professional network and stay informed on the latest industry trends?

Join us at Tour de Forsyning, an exclusive event for members of DBDH. This is your opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, gain valuable insights into the latest industry trends, and discover new technologies from the host utility. Expand your professional network and take your career to the next level – don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind event!u


Experience cutting-edge District Heating at our conferences.

As the industry leader in knowledge-sharing and networking, we bring together top experts, industry professionals, and thought leaders to discuss the field’s most current and pressing issues. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights, make valuable connections, and develop a deep understanding of the latest trends and developments. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the field, our conferences provide a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to shaping the future of District Heating. Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of the conversation – check out our upcoming conference schedule and register today.



Unlock the power of knowledge and connection with DBDH webinars.

As the premier platform for sharing and networking in the District Heating industry, we’ve adapted to the times and embraced the benefits of online seminars. Join our community of experts as they delve into today’s most pressing and relevant topics, covering various perspectives, from regulation, investments, business cases, engineering, technical solutions, and practical experience in optimizing district heating systems. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute – check out our upcoming webinars, register, and bring your own questions and insights to the conversation.