As an outcome of the district heating market focus on Latvia, we participated in an interesting program for three days, covering not only Latvia – but also a first-time move to look into Estonia.
The program closely cooperated with The Danish Embassy in Riga and the District Heating Associations in Latvia and Estonia.
From Denmark, the Chairman of DBDH, Jørgen Nielsen, CEO of TVIS, contributed by presenting the District Heating trends in Denmark. The seminar in Riga and Tallinn was also an opportunity for Danish companies to fit in with short presentations related to the themes and participate in the B2B meetings.
Key areas of interest for Latvian DH companies were:
- The district heating market in Denmark – 4th generation
- Managing and optimization of district heating networks
- Digitalization
- Software solutions for demand-based district heating networks
- Energy efficiency for heat-only production units
- Smart technologies & software management systems for district heating companies
- Heat storage
- Solar district heating & financing
- Combination of solar & biomass
- Hydrogen & district heating
Among the participants on the Baltic side were the Ministry of Economy and many district heating utilities. The tour included site visits to some of Latvia’s most important DH utilities: Salaspils Siltum, Latvenergo, Jelgava District Heating, and Tallin Utility in Estonia.
Focus on district heating and renewable energy in the Baltics
Authorities in Estonia and Latvia promoted district heating as one of the most efficient options to achieve targets of increased energy efficiency, increased share of renewable energy, and reduction of CO2. The objective of Latvia’s National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 is to increase renewable energy in consumption to 50% by 2030. Estonia has more than 200 district heating companies that cover 60% of Estonia’s heat demand. In both markets, there is an increased focus on green solutions and technology improvements in the district heating sector.
Funding through the EU Recovery and REsilience Facility Funds
Estonia and Latvia receive funding for the district heating sector through the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility Funds. Focus areas in the Baltic district heating sector will be infrastructure expansion, a connection of decentralized customers, sustainable energy resources and technologies, digitalization, synergy with industries, and heat storage. All areas speak to the Danish district heating sector and therefore create good opportunities for Danish exporters and consultants in the district heating sector.