Anders Dyrelund, market manager at Rambøll, receives the District Heating Award 2022 for his many years of work with district heating.
On Thursday evening at Dansk Fjernvarme’s national meeting, he won the vote for this year’s district heating award when 1000 participants at the evening event cast their votes.
The award winner is proud of the recognition:
– It is hugely overwhelming just to be nominated. Especially in this company. The Danish district heating is leading the Danish green transition because of the democratic ownership and being the most significant shopping association, Anders Dyrelund said in his acceptance speech.
– I also receive the award on behalf of the colleagues I have lost along the way. And therefore, the money must go to the Cancer Society and the Muskelsvindfonden.
Anders Dyrelund was nominated for the District Heating Award 2022 for his lifelong dedication to promoting district heating at home and abroad. Among other things, he helped draw up the first heating plans 40 years ago. And then, he saw the potential of district heating to ensure green, efficient, and robust heating for the cities. Anders Dyrelund has since worked committed to spreading knowledge of the possibilities of district heating.
Dansk Fjernvarme’s chairman, Jesper Frost Rasmussen, is delighted on Anders Dyrelund’s behalf:
– It is well-deserved and an acknowledgment of the many years of work Anders Dyrelund has put into the interests of district heating. In this way, he is an exponent of all the zealots around Denmark who work purposefully for the green transition, says Jesper Frost Rasmussen.
In addition to Anders Dyrelund, Vestforbrænding and the collaboration between Gelsted Fjernvarme and Carl Hansen & Søn were nominated for the award.