Home District Energy News District heating on its way to Denmark’s last municipality

District heating on its way to Denmark’s last municipality

by Linda Bertelsen

The Planning, Engineering, and Environment committee in Stevns Municipality now unanimously recommends that the municipal council establish a municipal heat supply company under KLAR Forsyning.

The intention is to reduce dependence on natural gas, according to Energy Supply.

– We are fully aware that we are faced with an urgent matter, which is why we have already started the plan to establish a municipal heating supply company before the citizens’ meetings in Hårlevhallen. Now comes the formal decision to enter into a collaboration with KLAR Forsyning on the task, says the chairman of the municipal committee, Flemming Petersen, to SN.dk and adds:
– We are the only municipality in the country that does not have district heating – as an independent supply unit or from one of the neighboring municipalities. Therefore, I very much hope that it will be a unanimous decision in the municipal council to make the moral decision to establish a municipal heating supply company, he says.

Translated from Energy Supply’s newsletter