In the first half of 2022, the waste and energy company ARGO realized a profit of DKK 36 million from the company’s waste-to-energy plant in Roskilde due to the high market prices for electricity. ARGO will ensure that the waste and heating customers get a share of that profit already this year, ARGO writes in a press release.
The board of directors in ARGO has decided that from 1 September, the company will send the equivalent of DKK 36 million back to the customers, who will thus get a share of the company’s profits. As consumers do not buy heat or hand over waste directly to ARGO, from 1 September, the money is returned to municipalities, companies, and the district heating company VEKS.
– 2022 is a challenging year for our customers because, among other things, the war in Ukraine means higher prices for electricity, heat, and natural gas. So when ARGO is doing well, our customers must also be able to feel it, especially in times of need. This is one of the reasons why we are already sending DKK 36 million back now, says Niels Hörup, chairman of the board of ARGO.
The money is sent back to the customers on 1 September, and it is not the first time that ARGO has sent a large part of the profit back to the customers. At the beginning of the year, the waste and energy company sent DKK 39 million of the profit from 2021 back to their customers. This was due, among other things, to the high electricity prices, which continued into 2022.